ASutliff Design Studio

Anthony Sutliff

What I do:

Graphic Design, Print + Logo design

Illustration / Digital and Traditional

Motion Design



3D/Cinema 4D


Creative Writing + Script Creation

Project Producing + Directing

Sound Editing

More about me:

I am a creative, forward thinking, problem solving Creative Director who designs, Illustrates, and makes 2D and 3D motion graphics. And, I have been known to write copy on occasion.

I have been involved in an array of creative projects both large and small. I have made numerous motion graphics packages, wrapped vehicles, even a helicopter. I have created logos and brands as well as edited and directed image campaigns for broadcast news. I have led design teams of various sizes and pitched in on projects where needed. I have extensive experience in graphic design, motion design, 3D, illustration, video editing, and project management.

When not at work I’m usually buried in books or deep into software tutorials and learning. You’ll also find me trying to master my guitar and martial arts. I am also still trying to master being a dad to my three kids; a constant learning process that is always challenging but rewarding :)