ASutliff Design Studio

Abiomed Graphics Package 2023

The following project is an animated graphics package that I created for Abiomed and their internal video production team.

Below are a set of animation storyboards I delivered to the client after meeting with them and discussing project needs. Using colors from the Abiomed style guide, shapes from the Abiomed logo, and client photos, I came up with clean and compelling style frames.

Part of the project was to come up with designs for on-screen graphics for company events and broadcasts. Below are examples of lower third, ticker, and bug designs that are part of

each look presented.

The following animations are the final result of client feedback and are part of an extensive list of deliverables for this project.

Abiomed Corporate Open

Abiomed Logo Open Animation

Abiomed Coffee Break Mini-Open

Abiomed Camp Live Case Mini-Open

Lunch and Learn Mini-Open

Abiomed ACURE Mini-Open